Club Members Tell the Rotary Story
At Ventura's Holiday Street Fair
Members of Rotary Ventura South turned out on a rainy Saturday, December 7, to set up and staff a booth at the Annual Holiday Street Fair on Main Street in Ventura. Working in 90-minute shifts, the Club members handed out literature about Rotary’s worldwide efforts to eradicate polio and build peace, and also invited those who stopped by to attend a Club meeting to learn more.
The Ventura South Rotarians also promoted the Club’s major fundraiser, the March 1, 2020 Mardi Gras event in support of Turning Point Foundation, and the April 5, 2020 Ronald McDonald Walk.
Pictured above are (l to r): Sandy Warren, Bob Braitman, Melody Thurman, Larry Matheney, Rosa Duran-Ramirez, and Dennis Longwill. Melody went the extra mile in her outreach efforts with a Rotary wheel on her cheek, courtesy of the face-painter in the neighboring booth!

Other Club members participating in the event included Rosanna Colin, Bob Davis, Dante Honorico, Diane Keay, John Mattina, Kendall Mattina, Don MacDonald, Diane Moss, Marty Moss, Marilyn Scott, and Stacy Zaruka. And a BIG thank you to Community Service Committee Co-Chairs Ed Keay and Jack Pollock for coordinating the event!