Recovering from Brain Injury
Posted by Sandy Warren
on Dec 08, 2015

Brain Injury Center of Ventura County
Provides Needed Support and Solutions
Twenty years ago, Linda Wells (pictured above) suffered a traumatic brain injury that profoundly altered her life. In an inspiring talk to the members of Ventura Rotary South on Monday, December 7, Linda explained how she was able to painstakingly rebuild her life with the help of the Brain Injury Center of Ventura County.
Linda's recovery included years of intensive therapy. "The person that I used to be has gone forever," said Linda, "and I basically had to relearn everything." She noted that her short-term memory has been severely impacted, so she carries a "memory book" to help remind her of people, places, and other things that are important in her life.
Joining Linda for the presentation were Jeanette Villanueva, Director of the Brain Injury Center, and Cheryl Smith, a doctor of physiological psychology. Cheryl noted that brain injury patients often suffer a great sense of isolation due to the debilitating and frightening nature of their condition. Jeannette pointed out that it is for that very reason that the support groups and other resources of the Brain Injury Center exist. "I don't know what I would have done without them," said Linda. She has made it her life goal to educate people about traumatic brain injury and to raise awareness of the need to help those who suffer from it.
Many thanks to Linda, Cheryl, and Jeanette for a truly inspiring presentation!