Library's Adult Literacy Program
Enriches the Lives of Hundreds
Our speaker on Monday, April 2, was Club member Carol Chapman, Manager of the Ventura County Library's Adult Literacy READ Program. Carol shared with members and guests the significant impact that illiteracy has on society in general, noting that one out of four English speaking adults in California is reading below the fifth grade level. In correctional facilities, that statistic jumps to 70 percent.
"Learning disabilities are the number one reason for difficulty in reading," said Carol, "followed by trauma, illness, and truancy." Learning disabilities create a barrier for learning in a group environment, which is where the one-on-one tutoring provided by the READ program comes into play. "Our program is very flexible in terms of when we begin with a student and at what level. It is really tailored to the individual's specific needs."
The READ program has sites throughout Ventura County, each of which is overseen by a credentialed teacher. The tutoring is provided by trained volunteers and begins at the pre-kindergarten level, teaching everything about phonics and English that a student needs for reading.
Carol noted that Rotary Ventura South has been instrumental in its support of the READ program through the annual Trivia Challenge event, which typically happens in November. Funds raised from the event enabled the Library to purchase the Barton System, a 10-level literacy instructional program.
"Literacy is debilitating," said Carol, "and the READ program is transforming." Click here for more information on the READ program, including details on how to volunteer as a tutor.