
District Governor-Elect Welcomes New Member,

Addresses Ventura South on Vocational Service

At our meeting on Monday, November 18, Rotary District 5240 Governor-Elect Loretta Butts spoke to members and guests about Vocational Service (one of Rotary's five Avenues of Service) and opportunities to address the needs of veterans through Rotary programs. She stressed the importance of needs assessment in evaluating potential Club projects, noting that individual Rotary Clubs need to "take a look at existing programs to make sure they are still viable and that they represent the best use of Club funds." As for veteran-related projects, including those that Ventura-South is considering, Ms. Butts stated, "let's really do something for those who have given so much to our country."

The District Governor-Elect's visit coincided with the induction of Allen Urban as the newest member of Ventura Rotary South. In the photo above, Ms. Butts congratulates Allen on his induction, along with Ventura-South President Dante Honorico. Welcome aboard, Allen!