
Ventura-South's Jack Tingstrom
Presents District PRLS Update

At our regular Club meeting on Monday, February 3, Ventura South member (and Director of PRLS for District 5240) Jack Tingstrom presented members and guests with a comprehensive update of plans for expanded PRLS training availability within the District. PRLS, of course, is "Potential Rotary Leaders Seminars," and consists of six classroom sessions on a variety of topics essential for effective leadership. (Jack notes that the training is extremely valuable for business and personal growth outside of Rotary as well.)

In his presentation, Jack summarized the scope of training involved in Basic though Master PRLS classes and noted some exciting changes in class scheduling and structure to make the training available to more Rotarians. "Our vision is to reach 100 percent of Rotarians in the District within one to two years," said Jack. Judging by his passion for the PRLS Program, there's little doubt that his goal will be achieved.

Click here for information on the PRLS Program. The newest changes will be updated soon.