Members of Ventura South Learn Strategies
for Beating the Odds at Blackjack and Poker
For those at Ventura Rotary South who thought Lady Luck was their only ally when playing blackjack or poker, our speaker on Monday, September 12 told them to think otherwise. Tom Gallagher of Thomas Casino Systems offered an interesting look at the current state of casino gaming and how it's possible to come away a winner by investing some time in learning the techniques that actually got him banned from playing high-level blackjack at casinos worldwide.
Tom noted that, over the years, casinos have put measures in place to reduce the effectiveness of card counting and other strategies. These measures include multiple decks, constant shuffling, and no "mid-shoe" entry into games in progress. He also reviewed the five best and five worst games/bets in casino gaming.
Tom had some interesting stories to share of his own experiences at the gaming tables, and, fortunately, he left for questions, as there were quite a few from members. Some of the answers, of course, were proprietary to Tom's "systems," which are available through purchase of his eWorkbooks on line.
Thanks, Tom, for an entertaining look at the world of high-stakes gaming!