Food Share Feeds Thousands
In Ventura County
"We are the Costco of food donation in Ventura County." That's how CEO Monica White described the operation of Food Share, an agency that provides free food to more than 75,000 people each month in Ventura County. Indeed, with two 36,000 square-foot warehouses, a staff of 28 employees, and 3,000 volunteers serving 190 community charitable food outlets, Food Share is able to tackle the problem of hunger from Ojai to the Conejo Valley.
According to Food Share's website, 1 in 6 people in Ventura County are struggling with food insecurity. Monica noted that, while that ratio includes the 1800 chronically homeless and hungry people (as of the latest count), it also includes people for whom having enough to eat may be an intermittent or one-time event. "Seventy percent of the people we serve come to us for help one to three times a year," she said. "The remaining 30 percent rely on us regularly. And no matter who they are, when they come to a Food Share agency, they are treated with respect and courtesy."
More than 3,500 seniors receive a 30-pound box of various fresh and packaged food items each month. All food is collected from growers, retail outlets and individual donations. At present, 32 percent of the food includes fresh fruit and vegetables - Monica's goal is to raise that to 50 percent.
For those looking to support Food Share's mission, they can donate money or volunteer their time. Each $1 donated buys $5 worth of food. And people are always needed to pick up and deliver food, stock shelves, or perform other essential tasks. "If you want to help," said Monica, "we'll find a place for you.
For additional information, visit foodshare.com or call (805) 983-7100.