Club Members Participate in 27th Annual
Ventura County Veterans Stand Down
On a warm Saturday afternoon, July 27, a team of members and guests from Rotary Ventura South prepared and served dinner for more than 50 homeless veterans at the 27th Annual Veterans Stand Down, a three-day event that provides a wide range of services to veterans from throughout the County, many of whom, for one reason or another, have found themselves without a permanent home. Services include medical screenings and evaluations; optometry examinations and distribution of prescription lenses; dental screenings and care; psychological counseling; legal counseling; employment counseling and referrals; veterans benefits; general relief information; access to showers, toiletries and clean clothing; hot meals; and a range of other government and social services.
On Saturday, the team from Ventura Rotary South helped prepare and serve tri-tip, salad, beans, garlic bread, and cake. Our club has participated in the event for a number of years and also donated $1,000 to purchase the food for the meal. The crew also assisted with the clean-up tasks.
Ed Keay, Community Service Committee Co-Chair for Ventura Rotary South, coordinated the Club's participation. Other members of the team on Saturday included Diane Keay, John and Kendall Mattina, Jack and Carol Pollock, Marilyn and Don Scott, Sandy Warren, Marcy Belton, and Peter McClintock. Click here to view a photo album of the event.