Rotary Ventura South Members
Fill Backpacks for Needy Students
On Saturday, August 10, members of Ventura Rotary South joined forces with Ventura Downtown Rotary and the Ventura Lions Club for the 17th Annual Student Backpack Project. The volunteers gathered at the Ventura School District office and filled 851 backpacks with notebooks, paper, folders, pens, pencils, scissors, calculators, and other school supplies for needy elementary, middle, and high school students throughout Ventura.
According to Ellyn Dembowski, project coordinator for Ventura Downtown Rotary, every school in the Ventura Unified School District was given sufficient backpacks to fulfill its individual requirements.
Rotary Ventura South members (and family members) participating in the event included Carol Chapman, Ed Keay, N.K. Khumalo (with daughter Mbali and son Siso), Jack and Carol Pollock, Marilyn Scott, Sandy Warren (and fiancee Marcy Belton), and Linda Zaruka.
Check out additional photos from the event here.