Past District Governor Wade Nomura
Provides Insight into Vocational Service
"It's the one Rotary Avenue of Service that focuses on the individual." That's how Past District 5240 Governor Wade Nomura described Vocational Service in his presentation to members of Ventura Rotary South on Monday, June 21, 2015. Wade offered fascinating insights into the history of Rotary's Avenues of Service, as well as other historical highlights.
For instance, the well-known 4-Way Test originated in 1932 when Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor wrote and posted it on the wall of a business he had purchased, to serve as guidelines for his employees. The Rotarian Code of Conduct pre-dates that, having originated in 1915.
Wade focused most of his presentation on Vocational Service, one of Rotary's five Avenues of Service. "Vocational Service," said Wade, "encourages each Rotarian to represent the dignity and utility of his or her vocation. You can all benefit the world with the expertise you bring to your profession." He challenged members to determine what special skills they have as individuals that they can bring to their Rotary membership as a means of benefiting their communities and the world at large.
"Involvement in vocational service has a tremendous ripple effect," said Wade. "How can you personally use your professional talents to be of greater service?"
Thanks, Wade, for an interesting and challenging presentation!