Manny Pacheco Shares Little-Known Facts
About Stars of Hollywood's Golden Age
On Monday, December 22, members of Ventura Rotary South enjoyed a trip back in time to the Golden Age of Hollywood. Manny Pacheco, author of two books about "Forgotten Hollywood" spoke to the Club and shared fascinating anecdotes and little-known facts about some lesser-known stars of classic films. "There are plenty of books about people like John Wayne and Clark Gable," said Manny. "I decided to concentrate on actors that people recognize but may not immediately be able to recall their names." Examples included Van Heflin, Peter Lorre, and John Barrymore. Additionally, Manny's criteria for including a star in one of his books was a connection of some sort to U.S. history.
Manny's presentation included a video clip of the documentary he is currently working on, and he autographed copies of his two books for members who wished to purchase them. Manny has made the presentation to more than 50 Rotary Clubs - we're delighted to be the most recent of those!